DECEMBER 2020CIOAPPLICATIONS.COM 19Top 10 Digital Transformation Consulting/Service Companies - 2020CompanyDescriptionCONCENTREconcentregroup.comConcentre is a Dallas based boutique technology and management consulting firm offering offer deep expertise, objective insights, and a tailored approach to drive impactful results for its clientsDIGITAL HEALTH INNOVATIONSdigitalhealthinnovations.comLeading a world-class health ecosystem of patient-centric providers, disruptive & cutting-edge technology partners, and forward-thinking investment professionals design the future of healthcareENVISION TECHNOLOGY ADVISORSenvisionsuccess.netEnvision is committed to finding new ways to help people realize their personal and business goals through technology and innovationJORDAN ALLIANCE GROUP jordanalliance.comA boutique management consulting firm providing strategic, transformative, and sustainable solutions to improve operational efficiencies across the product development and retail supply chainLEVIOlevioconsulting.comLevio succeeds in developing an effective solution to several complex business problems by leveraging Cloud technologies, defining innovative subscription models, and applying a human-centric approachLOGICSHARKlogicshark.comFounded in 2002, LogicShark has been a leader in the industry for successfully assisting organizations in their digital transformation journeyPARADIGM TECHNOLOGYpt-corp.comParadigm Technology is an award-winning professional services organization with 25 years of success delivering for clients in the Fortune 500XENTAURSxentaurs.comXentaurs offers strategy, integration and enablement services that accelerate digital initiatives leveraging Cloud, Infrastructure as Code and Software-Defined platformsYENLOyenlo.comFounded in 2007, Yenlo is the leading, most experienced, Platinum Value-Added Reseller of WSO2, acting and delivering first class integration services on a global, worldwide level, with a strong focus on digital transformationZENCON GROUPzencongroup.comZencon is an international management consultancy firm, founded and built on exceptional people, a commitment to service excellence and an entrepreneurial spirit. The company helps organizations overcome challenges and break new ground in their respective domainsability to use a secure distributed ledger for everything from contracts and transactions to financing and recordkeeping. This secure database is shared by multiple consenting parties and synchronized across multiple sites, companies, or locations. By leveraging these advanced digital technologies, businesses can continuously create hyper-personalized experiences in both a business-to-customer and business-to-business context. At this juncture, there are a wide variety of firms entering the industry with a set of advanced digital transformation offerings. To help companies navigate through the best-of-breed digital transformation solution and service providers, CIO Applications has compiled a list of top digital transformation vendors. The enlisted organizations offer solutions and services that deliver value-driven business outcomes and help develop a culture of change and collaboration. Besides, the magazine also comprises insights from thought leaders in the sector on the industry trends, best practices, recent innovations, and their advice for the aspiring CIOs.We present to you CIO Applications', "Top 10 Digital Transformation Solution Providers - 2020 Top 10 Digital Transformation Consulting/Service Companies - 2020."DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION TOP 10 CONSULTING/SERVICE COMPANIES - 2020
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