December 2021CIOAPPLICATIONS.COM 193LI CONSULTANT GROUP 3LIGROUP.COMBELTREES CONSULTING BELTREESCONSULTINGSERVICES.COMBRANDSURE BRANDSURE.COMDEHART DEHARTCONSULTING.COMEIIKON HEALTHCARE ALLIANCE EIIKONLLC.COMHUDSON ASSOCIATES HUDSONASSOCIATES.COMJETCO FEDERAL JETCOFEDERAL.COMKOIREADER KOIREADER.COMWAYBRIDGE WAYBRIDGE.COMWOODSIDE QUALITY WOODSIDEQUALITY.COM3LI is a leader in professional services for healthcare supply chain. It delivers broad-based result-driven solutions for today's business challenges.Beltrees provides a network of consultants that specialize in procurement and supply chain to allow clients to have options not readily available with other consultanciesBrandSure provides implementation services to ensure supply Integrity for prescription drugs, medical devices and food and beverage productsDeHart is a team of operation management consultants focused on helping manufacturing clients compete in today's very volatile marketplaceFounded in 2015, Eiikon, LLC is a member-driven organization for healthcare providers and suppliers across the worldThe comapny provides cost-effective packaging, filling, and turn key services tailored to the unique needs of clientsJetCo Federal is a supply chain management and warehouse supply company focusing on helping organizations maintain operational efficiency and resilienceKoiReader is an emerging technologies firm that enables Hyperautomation through its proprietary platform, enterprise integrations, and ISV partnershipsWaybridge enables businesses to buy, sell, transport, and finance without any friction, inefficiency, and manual workThe company is a CVE Certified Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business providing performance improvement, project management, and analytics support to Federal clientsTop 10 Emerging Supply Chain Management Companies - 2021CompanyDescription
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