February 2018CIOAPPLICATIONS.COM 19he angst of every CIO is to have to budget for today, for dollars that won't be spendable for at least six months. Worse yet, is projecting a five to seven year CIP. It is obvious, today's budget dollars may be spent on technologies that non-existent. The tech needs of the organization change as rapidly as the technology itself.Ransomware, mobile, paperless, workflow, Virtual everything, IoT, Hyper converge, Big data, security, and dashboards are all yesterday's buzzwords. While all of these maybe yesterday's buzzwords, the impact will be pronounced on organizations well into the future. A couple of examples:· Big data will only get bigger. Not only the data created and owned by an organization, the data needed to analyze and predict the future growth and needs of the organization. Storage and analysis alone will impact the infrastructure and staffing needs to manage big data.· IoT will continue to dominate operations especially from a security and impact to network performance point of view. Whether it's printers, vending machines, HVAC systems, security systems, security cameras, exercise equipment or mobile devices, if it touches the network, it has become a security and bandwidth issue. · Security is always an issue. Other organizations misfortune, become your overnight headaches. Security is no longer a one man show, but an entire team and department responsibility. To add to this conundrum, is staffing. How to hire and retain relevant staff and then keep them engaged enough to stay ahead of technological advances? The skillset of the staff of next year may not even begin to compare to the skills necessary today. An organization's org chart may be a moving target attempting to fill the needs of the team. Lacking a crystal ball or the ability to predict the future, how do you stay sane and provide your customers with solutions? There is no silver bullet to any of these issues, but as CIO some survival principals to help retain your sanity.· Stay Current- Everyday spend the first 30-45 minutes keeping up with what's new. NEVER let the news of a crypto attack to another It's 2018TcIo insightsTIMOTHY OLIVER, CIO, HORRY COUNTY
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