JULY 2018CIOAPPLICATIONS.COM 19had a loyal audience but the dwell time on the site was not great. We doubled it. After they deployed 1World tools, their reach then went all the way to two million, and it stayed that way. We also did a project with Walmart. They had a massive controversy about building a new mall in Florida and had to face local protesters. They used 1World tools to do the organic data collection across many different outlets and then collected the datasets with the feedbacks. We used it for a debate where we presented two sides to the story: the pros and cons of the construction, to realize that most of the locals were in support when they got the right information. The case got solved once the local authorities got the data. The other prominent companies that license 1World tools for understanding appropriate feedback include IBM Watson and Immerse.1World's Ideology for Global NetworkThe most important thing is to connect enough demand and supply. Supply needs publishers; the more publishers they have in the network, better is the sample size for feedback collection. In demand side, along with the brands that are using our solutions, we run promotional advertising campaigns, feedback collection campaigns for the brand in order to grow both demand and supply. We envision becoming the tool that replaces Google Adsense in advertising for ICO essentially, where instead of Google, companies will use 1World tools' as it comes with a vast network, excellent interactive experiences, and token economy.We want people to own their data, and we will continue providing safe, decentralized data across our network. We want to turn everything back to people, have them control their data, let them decide who can see their data. If any brand wants to access the customers' data, they will have to pay the customer first, and only then get access to the data. That's our vision , and that's why we believe in a decentralized global network.
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