MARCH 2018CIOAPPLICATIONS.COM6A Collaborative Approach to Future Until a few years back, things like `collaboration' were least important for any organizations as they were primarily focused on their core business operations and building a reputation among the clientele. However, this doesn't seem to be the scenario anymore. Even the small and medium-sized enterprises today lay their focus on solutions that boost coordination between their teams, facilitate teamwork, and reduce silos ensuring improved productivity. While every organization makes all the possible efforts to do all of it at all times, there are situations where different teams working towards a common goal aren't aligned. Today, a software solution seems to be the practical and futuristic approach to it. With a collaboration software system in place, a business can be assured of an environment that creates coordination among teams working for a common vision. Especially for organizations with large teams based at different locations, it is of great importance to not just improve collaboration but also track the progress of a project. The market is also witnessing growing need for such solutions and is also abuzz with a multitude of solution providers that offer easy to install software at affordable costs. To help businesses opt for a suitable collaboration software solution, we are featuring a list of solution providers that bring groundbreaking offerings to the market and assure an impressive ROI for clients' investments. Through this edition, we aim to help our readers zero down on companies that they can rely on while opting for a collaboration solution that yields results in the long run. We also bring to you some informative pieces on the collaboration technologies and insights about their usage from the industry leaders, to build a better perspective on these solutions' implementation in your setup. Joe PhillipManaging Editoreditor@cioapplications.comJoe PhillipMARCH - 29 - 2018COLLABORATION TECHNOLOGYSPECIALCopyright © 2018 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.Volume 03 - 09Published by ValleyMedia, Inc. To subscribe to CIO ApplicationsVisit*Some of the Insights are based on the interviews with respective CIOs and CXOs to our editorial staffManaging EditorJoe PhillipGraphics & ArtJohn ConnorDeclan ColeNitya SAssistant Managing EditorRohit Chowdhary Senior WritersClara MathewRoyce D'SouzaLeah JaneEditorial StaffBen JacksonDaniel HolmesEzra BenjaminJames SmithNaomi DaleMohini KumariSalesMarvin Paulmarvin@cioapplications.com510-330-5174EditorialContact UsPhone: 510.330.5172Fax:
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