MAY 2022CIOAPPLICATIONS.COM8THE IMPORTANCEOF LEVERAGINGEXISTING WEB APISKEN KNAPTON, CIO, PROGREXIONrganizations of all sizes are currently facing similar challenges; they need to become more responsive to rapidly changing technical demands while keeping their technology spend from overtaking their profitability. Leaders of these organizations are looking for ways to increase their velocity of change while maintaining their budget. Often this requires significant payment against existing technical debt which is holding the company back from reaching its goals. To meet this demand companies are adopting agile methodologies and are requiring their development resources to learn a new way of working together with their lines of business to deliver software with increasing velocity.Digital transformations and agile implementations have become so common place that the terms themselves are almost cliché. However, the effects of this transformative technological wave across all companies is not to be overlooked. Rather than diminishing the need for custom software, the move toward microservices, web API enabled applications, and reactive applications is only driving demand higher for skilled development resources. But those resources need new skills and capabilities that did not exist just a few years ago.Architecting and developing loosely coupled systems based on web API connectivity is the fuel that drives digital transformation for companies today. Developers are coming oCIO InsightsCXO InsightsIn My View
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