NOVEMBER 2017CIOAPPLICATIONS.COM6NOV - 01 - 2017PROCUREMENT SPECIALCopyright © 2017 ValleyMedia, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part of any text, photography or illustrations without written permission from the publisher is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations. Views and opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the magazine and accordingly, no liability is assumed by the publisher thereof.Volume 02 - 19Published by ValleyMedia, Inc. To subscribe to CIO ApplicationsVisit Graphics & ArtJohn ConnorDeclan ColeAnil Kumar VSalesAlison Samuelsalison@cioapplications.com510.330.5172Mailing Address:ValleyMedia, Inc.44790 S. Grimmer Blvd Suite 202, Fremont, CA 94538T:510.757.1040 EditorialProcurement Automation--An Opportunity AheadJoe PhillipManaging Editoreditor@cioapplications.comJoe PhillipSupply of goods needs to be faster, insight needs to be richer, and the function needs to be able to react to global events quicker--the modern business models and innovations demand a different mindset from procurement. Driving this change is an environment of fast pace market and global competition along with a greater need for spend visibility. To achieve this, it is essential to implement the right tools for effective data management and procurement practices. Future will see intelligent platforms using data insights to empower procurement professionals to make smarter, faster decisions across their supply chains--impacting the entire procurement process, from improving spend visibility to assisting buyers and enriching content management. Even though procurement automation has come a long way in the past five years, it is likely to push even further. By embracing intelligent applications and the technologies underlying them, procurement can reimagine its supply chains and can take insight-driven actions that go beyond savings and efficiencies to create broad business value. Moreover, with the growth in outsourcing, organizations are increasingly involved in revenue-generating activities--paving procurement a much more prominent role in managing cost structure. Traditional procurement will be done by machines--rather than seeing it as a challenge; it should be seen as an opportunity. Forward-thinking and innovative procurement--those who stall will find themselves being lapped by the competition. Procurement is undergoing drastic change and organizations will need to embrace Intelligent platforms in order to avoid falling behind their competitors in the future. On that note, we present you "Top 25 Procurement Solution Providers 2017." These organizations possess clear visions and technical insights that are necessary to ensure that you get the best solutions for your procurement initiatives.Do let us know your thoughts.Managing EditorJoe PhillipAssistant Managing EditorLithin ZachariaSenior WritersClara MathewRoyce D'SouzaLeah JaneEditorial StaffBen JacksonDaniel HolmesEzra BenjaminJames SmithNaomi DaleRohit Chowdhry*Some of the Insights are based on the interviews with respective CIOs and CXOs to our editorial staff
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