OCTOBER 2018CIOAPPLICATIONS.COM5IN MY VIEWDave Pearson, Executive Vice President & CIO, Sykes Enterprises, Incorporated [NASDAQ:SYKE]083 Ways Human+Machines are the Real Future of AI in Customer ServiceFEATURED SOLUTION PROVIDERSPg 14 - 36 VIRTUAL ASSISTANTTOP 10SOLUTION PROVIDERS - 201834203038CIOINSIGHTSCEOINSIGHTSVirtual Assistants for Tomorrow's BusinessScott Tamura, Co-Founder & CEO, Foodies.ai30An Era of Social Media Optimization (SMO) Is Ahead: What Can We Expect in 2018?Yuval Ben-Itzhak, CEO, Socialbakers34The Shift Towards Cloud: Is It A Cost-Effective Process?Ian Cohen, CIO, Addison Lee Group38Service Management in the Age of DigitizationDouglas Duncan, CIO, Columbia Insurance Group20
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